Recipe of the Month

We are delighted to present the Rotary Radio UK Recipe of the Month feature in conjunction with the Rotary eClub of Innovation. Two members, Caroline and Jack have collected these recipes over three years by and from Rotarians and their friends, these recipes represent the 223 countries in the Rotary family. There are“ national” dishes, family heirlooms and new creations.


Each recipe reflects the style of its author, including professional recipe writers and others who had never described their favourite meal before. Most can be made from internationally available ingredients, whilst some are decidedly different.

Each month we will feature a new recipe and you can hear Caroline talking about it at 11:30 on the Steve Wood Show on Steve's first show of each month and will be repeated throughout the month. We will be very interested to find out how the dish turned out when you tried it; please email us [] with the results.

Food the World Over - Recipe of the Month

Our recipes were donated by individuals who had been asked for their family favourite recipes and are reproduced in their own words. You can find out more about the charities we support at

All the recipes in the collection can be obtained in a pdf download from the website above for a suggested donation of £5.00.

January 2025

Chicken, Chorizo and Chickpea Stew - Sudan

Mabawa: Chicken Wings - Mayotte

Bougna - Vanuatu

Chicken, Chorizo and Chickpea Stew

Serves 4 to 5, preparation time 10 minutes, cooking time 2 hours 10 minutes.



Preheat the oven to 170/325/gas 3. Heat the oil and sweat the onions until soft and translucent. Add in the chorizo, chicken, tomatoes, chickpeas, wine and oregano and put on a tight-fitting lid. Pop in the oven and mostly ignore it for the next two hours (you may want to check it hasn’t dried out every now and then if your lid isn’t tight fitting).

Season with salt and pepper as necessary and serve with whatever comfort food you fancy – we had freshly baked baguettes, but mashed potato would have been equally scrummy.

 Donated to Shine for Shelterbox by Janie, food writer, photographer, real food recipe creator and founder of The Hedgecombers, reproduced here by kind permission of Shelterbox. You can find more recipes like this one on Jane’s website 

Shelterbox Facts: Shelterbox first worked in Sudan in 2014, distributing School Boxes after the White Nile flooded. In 2020, during the pandemic, ShelterBox aid was again distributed after the worst flooding in decades. Instead of sending a team to the affected countries, they used in – country partners with local resources and knowledge. In addition to the tarpaulins and the household aid items, families also received washbasins and soap to help with hygiene. Find out more about Shelterbox at

Mabawa: Chicken Wings

According to Azusa, author of, a national delicacy in Mayotte is Mabawa or chicken wings. If you need a recipe for chicken wings we suggest you choose from the many available on Cookpad.



For the chicken
-5 tbsp oil
-2 chicken breasts in cubes
-1 cassava root in small cubes
-1 green pepper
-1 red diced onion
-1 carrot sliced
-1 small tin of coconut cream/milk
-2 chilies
-half tin of chickpeas
For the salad 

-2 carrots cut anyway you wish
-3 limes
-3 tbsp olive oil


Fry diced onion, when soft add chicken and chilies, add carrots and cassava and cook for 10 mins or until vegetables feel soft but not crumbly. Then add the green peppers and salt and peas. Lastly add the coconut milk and keep tasting for seasoning. Cook for 5 more minutes. For the salad, simply add the lime juice, oil and salt to taste to the carrot.

PLEASE NOTE cassava can be poisonous, if attempting this recipe please ensure your cassava is correctly prepared and cooked to remove toxins.

October 2024

Dorset Apple Cake - England

Rosolje - Estonia

Dorset Apple Cake


• 225 g self-rising flour

• 115 g butter

• 115g caster sugar

• 450 g peeled and cored cooking apples

• 60 g sultanas

• 1 egg

• 1 pinch of mixed spice or cinnamon

• Some lemon zest


Rub the butter into the flour to make fine breadcrumbs. Mix the sugar and spice and add lemon zest. Cut the apples into small rough chunky bits add apples, sugar and spice to the flour mixture. Mix well together, then add sultanas. Beat the egg with a little milk and add to the mixture

Line the base of a round 20 cm cake tin with grease proof paper. Spoon the mixture in, then sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake at 200 °C for 30 to 40 minutes.Leave in the tin for 5- 10 minutes before turning out.



• 4-6 medium potatoes, peeled, boiled, cooled and cut into half inch cubes

• About equal amount of roasted beets, cooled, peeled and cut into half inch cubes

• 1 large or 2 smaller tart apples, peeled and diced

• 1 onion, diced

• 1 cup diced dill pickles

• 1 cup salted, marinated herring

• Dressing –

• 2/3 cup mayonnaise

• 2/3 cup sour cream

• 1tbs mustard

• 1 tbs horseradish

• Salt, pepper to taste


Mix all ingredients together and pour over dressing. Refrigerate. Keeps well for 2-3 days Optional - garnish with hard boiled eggs and/or fresh parsley.


Pumpkin Pancakes with Curacao Liqueur Sauce - Curacao

Pumpkin Soup - Latvia

Pumpkin Pancakes with Curacao Liqueur Sauce (Serves 8)


500 g pumpkin

1 stick of cinnamon

4 cups of water

A dash of salt

1 cup of flour

½ cup of milk

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 egg

½ cup of sugar

2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

½ cup of raisins

1 tablespoon butter

Juice of 2 oranges

3 tablespoons of Curacao Liqueur, the colourless one.

Ice cream to serve


Peel and seed the pumpkin. Dice it coarsely. In a pan add the water and cook the diced pumpkin with the cinnamon stick and the salt until tender. Take the cooked pumpkin out of the water. In a food processor add the pumpkin, the milk, the sugar and the vanilla and mix to a smooth consistency. Add the egg and mix. Add the baking powder and the flour and mix well. Add the raisins. In a frying pan heat half, the butter and add 2 tablespoons of pumpkin mixture to form a pancake of about 10 cm. Fry the pancake on both sides to golden brown. Make 2 pancakes per person. Mix the juice of the oranges with the Curacao Liqueur. Put 2 pancakes on a plate and pour a little bit of the sauce over the pancakes. Serve with a scoop of ice cream.

Pumpkin Soup


1 pumpkin (peeled and seeded) 

2-3 carrots 

2-3 onions 

1 leek 

20-300 ml broth 

200 g cream cheese 

200 ml sweet cream 


cayenne pepper 

ground ginger 

ground nutmeg 


Cut pumpkin, onions, carrots and leek into pieces and bake in the oven for 20-30 min at 200°C. Carrots can be baked sooner than other ingredients as it cooks longer. When ready put ingredients into the pot where is 200-300 ml broth, stew until ready and soft. Start to blend and add cream cheese and sweet cream. At the very end add the spices as much as you like. Serve with seeds and toasted bread. 

August 2024

Quindim Dessert - Brazil

Traditional Rice Pudding - Romania

Quindim Dessert

The Quindim is a popular Brazilian baked dessert, made chiefly from sugar, egg yolks and ground coconut. It is a custard and usually presented as an upturned cup with a glistening surface and intensely yellow colour. This recipe was inherited from the Portuguese in part, and then probably adapted by the African slaves in the Salvador of Bahia region. Around the 1600's, the coconuts were so abundant in that region, that many desserts used coconut in different forms. The use of many egg yolks is typical of the Portuguese dishes.


• 250 g fresh coconut

• 500 g of sugar

• 65 g of butter

• 15 to 20 egg yolks about 400 g

• 1 cup of coconut milk

For the upper side of the Quindim:

• Dissolve in the fire and use still hot 2 drops yellow dye

• 25 g water

• 5 egg whites

• 1 tsp vanilla


Mix Number 1

Mix the coconut and sugar and add the melted butter mixing well. Put in the fridge for 12 hours if at all possible.

Mix Number 2

On a separate bowl mix the ingredients shown for the upper side of the Quindim and add the yellow dye and place on the fire until hot. The 5 egg whites are to be beaten separately and added gently to the mix. This preparation will go first onto your bowl when ready to cook. Select a bowl of enough capacity, place mix number 2 first, and then add mix number 1 until filling the bowl. Heat the oven for approximately 50 minutes at 160 C degrees, you will have to use a bigger mould or baking dish to do a bain-marie (water bath), filling the mould at 50% of capacity with the water. Place in oven and cook at medium oven heat, until the top is brownish. It should form a soft crust. Once the Quindim is done, and almost cool, gently turn it upside down in a serving dish, and there you have a lovely presented dessert. Serve it very cold.

Traditional Romanian Rice Pudding


• 1 litre milk 3.5 % fat

• 1 cup (200 g) round grain rice or milk rice

• 3 tbsp honey

• 1/2 tsp cardamom

• 1/2 tsp dried lemon zest

• 1 tsp cinnamon to sprinkle on top


Pour the milk from the container into a larger pot and bring to a boil on low medium heat. Watch the milk as when it starts to boil, has the tendency to puff up and will spill over the pot. Once the milk is boiling, add the rice. Continue stirring to avoid scorching. Cook for about 20-25 minutes or until the rice is cooked and the pudding thickens. The milk should have been reduced 1/3 by now. Add the honey, cardamom and the lemon zest. Stir well and let it rest with the lid on for 1-2 minutes. Serve warm with cinnamon on top.

We have 93 pages of wonderful sweet things for all weather and all occasions. Just donate and download at

July 2024

Sweet Potatoes and Garlic - Kuchen - United States of America

Sweet Potatoes and Garlic

Ingredients (serves 4)

• 4 medium size Sweet Potatoes

• 8 cloves garlic

• 1/2 teaspoon Virgin Olive Oil

• 4 sprigs of fresh Rosemary

• Black Pepper


1. Peel sweet potatoes and cut lengthwise wedges about a 1/2” thick, with a strong sharp knife taking care not to cut yourself.

2. Rinse Rosemary and keep sprigs whole and intact.

3. Peel garlic by removing the root end with a knife first, then gently pressing down on cloves until the skin easily releases, keeping cloves whole.

4. Tear off a large sheet of tinfoil about 24-36 inches and lay it flat on your counter.

5. In a large bowl toss the potatoes, garlic cloves and olive oil to coat thoroughly.

6. Arrange potatoes and Rosemary in a stack layering the herb between to mix in as it cooks. Add the cloves of garlic to fill holes in the stack.

7. Fold half the foil over the stack, fold a thin edge all around and crimp the three edges tightly with fingers to seal.

8. Place on medium heat grill and turn a few times as it starts to cook to prevent sticking. Foil will expand create a sealed pouch steaming ingredients and          keeping the flavors in, without getting dry.

I do hope this recipe is tried and enjoyed by others and their friends. It has become a standard dish in our family because they taste sooooo good :)

Editor’s Note: no time is given but we believe 30 minutes should suffice.


I used to make this with my grandma on the farm every year after picking the first batch of raspberries. Wonderful memories!

1 cup of fresh fruit. Cherries, Raspberries, Blackberries or Blueberries are best.



• 1/2 cup sugar

• 1/2 cup flour

• Lump of butter


Mix until fine crumbs form.



• 1/3 cup. butter

• 1 cup milk

• 1 cup sugar

• 2 1/4 cup flour

• 1 egg

• 3 tsp baking powder

• 1 tsp vanilla

• 1 tsp salt


Mix cake and spread in greased 8 x 8 pan. Sprinkle with topping and place fruit on top. Bake at 350* for 25-30 min.



• 1 cup sugar

• 1/4 cup flour

• 3/4 tsp salt.

• 2 cups boiling water

• 2 tablespoons butter

• 1 tsp vanilla


Mix together sugar, flour and salt. Add water while stirring constantly. Bring to boil. Remove from heat. Add butter and vanilla. Cut cake and serve with sauce over the top.

Editor’s Note: American cups are not quite the same size as British measures. The collection contains a useful and interesting section on International differences in measures and cooking terms. To donate and download go to

June 2024

Island Style Drunk Grilled Chicken - St Kitts and Nevis

Succotash - Equatorial Guinea 

Island Style Drunk Grilled Chicken



 2 scallions or 4 spring onions

 2 tablespoon soy sauce

 15g chopped parsley

 10 sprigs thyme

 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

 1/4 teaspoon allspice

 1 lime

 1 orange (or 2 small oranges)

 330ml beer (any will do)

 70ml rum (dark or ‘island spiced golden’ rum is best)

 1 heaped tablespoon brown sugar

 1 teaspoon grated ginger

 1 hot chili pepper


I use a medium spatchcock prepared chicken cut into quarter portions, you can use whole small chickens. The above ingredients are sufficient to marinade some chicken pieces at the same time to create some kebabs that cook much faster than the quarters and can be used to feed people if they get impatient – do not serve under cooked chickens.

Chop the scallions, parsley and scotch bonnet into smallish pieces. I first cut out the seeds from the pepper and throw them away because my wife does not do “hot”, but I would leave them in if the choice was mine. Wash your hands immediately after chopping the pepper with soap and water. Grate the ginger, juice the orange and lime. Add all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Trim the excess fat and skin (as well as the wing tips) off the chicken. Some people wash the chicken and pat it dry but given all the scare stories I have seen about washing uncooked chicken I just use it from the tray. As I am using a spatchcock chicken I use a deep dish, covered with plastic wrap, to marinate the chicken. You can use a strong zipper bag if doing wholechicken. Pour the marinade over the chicken/s and massage. Allow to marinate in the fridge overnight. If you are in a hurry, it should be allowed to marinate for at least a couple of hours. Feel free to make deep cuts in the thickest parts of the chicken to allow the marinade to seep into the chicken.

Grill on a low heat to cook all the way through, basting with the marinade frequently and turning the chicken every 20 to 25 minutes.  I have a Patio Gas (Propane) barbecue and for a spatchcock chicken it takes about 75 minutes at the lowest heat setting. A small chicken will take about 2 hours. Chicken on a barbecue should be cooked slowly and at low heat away from flames, so I prefer to use a gas grill as the temperature remains consistent and you can start grilling soon after lighting the grill. One “cheat” to consider, especially on a charcoal grill, is to start cooking the chicken in foil trays on the barbecue to avoid scorching the pieces and spread the heat, switching to turning the chicken every few minutes directly on the grill. Whatever grill you use it is important to keep basting the chicken with the marinade.

Serve immediately it is ready with a green salad and other items to preference.

Editor’s note: To spatchcock a chicken, or butterfly it, is to remove the backbone, thus allowing it to be completely opened out and flattened. Doing this reduces the cooking time significantly and allows the whole bird to be cooked in different, speedier ways, such as grilling or pan frying.



2 tbs vegetable oil

1 large green and/or red pepper, chopped

1 large onion, chopped

2 cups fresh or frozen sweet corn

2 cups freshly cooked or frozen lima beans

1 1/2 cups halved cherry tomatoes.

1 clove garlic, minced 2 tbs fresh lime juice

3 - 4 tbs fresh herbs, chopped (one or two of your choice - dill, parsley, cilantro, chives, etc.)

2 Tbs. butter

Salt and pepper


Lightly saute peppers and onions in oil - do not overcook. Add corn and lima beans, stirring to heat through. Add tomatoes & garlic, again stirring to heat through. Add lime juice, herbs, butter, salt and pepper and heat through again.

Serve warm as a side dish or alone as a light lunch. Reheat leftovers and add to burritos, omelettes, etc.

May 2024 - Daddies - Kabslagala (Pancakes) - Uganda

Our main charity is Rotary’s End Polio appeal but sales of the recipe collection also support Roll Out the Barrel. A charity which provides rolling water barrels to

enable children and women to transport water from clean water sources to their homes easily rather than carrying it on their heads or in heavy jerry cans.

Combined with a District Grant the e Club of Innovation has paid for 45 barrels to be supplied to two schools in Nakaseke, Uganda. The barrels will be used

with the improved water collection system previously installed with Rotary funds. The barrels will increase time for education and improve health. Barrels

to be used by the village when not in use by the school. To celebrate this, this month’s recipes are from Uganda and were donated by a

group for albino people also supported by Roll Out the Barrel.

Teatime Treats


Daddies are simple crunchy crackers commonly packed for children in boarding schools for having as tea escorts. They are also commonly eaten in taxis by passengers during late evening traffic jams.


• 500 g of wheat flour

• 2 eggs

• I tablespoon margarine

• 1 teaspoon baking flour (powder)

• 4 tablespoons milk

• 150 g sugar

• 100 g soya flour

• 1 teaspoon vanilla essence.

• Oil for Frying


Put all flours in a bowel at once and mix them. Mix the milk, with the vanilla essence and dissolve in the sugar. Beat the eggs in the solution. Add the margarine in the mixture of flour and marble them.Put everything together to make dough. You can add some water to a desired consistency, that can be rolled and cut into small pieces or balls. Deep fry in boiling oil.They are ready when they are golden brown.

Kabslagala (Pancakes)


• 500 g ripe sweet bananas,

• 750 g Cassava flour,

• Ginger or red pepper

• Water.

• Boiling oil


Get two clean kneading bowls or a saucepan 500 g of ripe sweet bananas and peel them, Smash them until they are porridge like smooth. Get 750 g of cassava flour and mix with the banana soft paste. Knead until the flour and bananas have evenly mixed and blended well. Get the water spiced with ginger or red pepper, mild of course, at times use lemongrass or cinnamon instead of ginger and pepper so as not to exclude children from the delicacy. Knead until the dough no longer sticks on your hands.Cut the dough into sizable pieces.Get one, roll it flat to a reasonable thickness, you keep sprinkling cassava flour on the rolling pin and board as to avoid the dough sticking on them. Get a round cutter or even plastic tin or cup and cut out the pancakes. Then you drop them in boiling oil (vegetable). They take 4 to 5 minutes to cook when they turn mahogany brown. Taste better when they have cooled.

April 2024 - Plov - Tajikistan 


• 1 kg moderately fat lamb, shoulder or ribs

• 1 kg medium grain rice (paella type)

• 200-250 ml vegetable frying oil

• 1 kg carrot (preferably not young)

• 2-3 medium size onions

• 1-1.5 tbsp cumin

• 2-3 whole heads of garlic, the younger the better (optional)

• 1-2 long hot chilies (optional)

• salt to taste.


You will need a 5-liter heavy cast-iron kettle (Dutch oven) or bigger, preferably round-bottomed pan.

Wash the rice under the tap until clear, cover with cold water and let it soaks for a while. Cut the meat with bones into match-box pieces. Cut the carrots into 0.5 x 0.5 cm thick sticks. Slice onions into thin rings or half-rings. Clean heads of garlic from the remains of roots and dirt. Heat oil in the kettle or Dutch oven on a very high flame, deep-fry meat until golden brown, in 3-4 batches. Fry the onions until golden, add meat to the kettle, stir well to prevent onion from burning. Add carrot, stir from time to time, until it starts to wilt and browns a little (15-20 min). Add 2/3 of the cumin - rub it in your palms a little to release flavour, stir gently to keep carrot from breaking.Lower gas to moderate, pour hot water just to cover all the goods, add salt and let it simmer for 40 min to 1.5 hours until almost all water evaporates, and meat became tender and juicy. Do not stir. Turn gas to max. Drain rice well, place it on top the meat and vegetables in one layer, stick the garlic and whole chilies in it, and carefully pour boiling water over it (place a spoon or ladle on top of the rice to keep the rice layer from wash away). Cover the rice with about 2 cm of water, let it boil. Add salt to make the water a bit over-salted. When water will go down the rice, reduce the gas a bit, keeping it boiling rapidly. Check when it will evaporate and absorb into rice completely - rice should remain rather al dente. Make a hole in the rice to the bottom of the pan to check the water level. Reduce gas to absolute minimum, cover tightly with the lid and let it steam 20 minutes. Turn off the heat, remove the garlic and chilies on the separate plate. Carefully mix rice with meat and carrots, if the rice tastes a bit bland add some salt*, mix and let it stand for 5 minutes. Pile the Plov on a big warmed plate and serve with garlic, chilies and plain thinly sliced tomato, sweet onions, chili, salt and salad.

This dish is also common with Uzbekistan.

*Editor’s Note: This is the recipe as we received it. The sharp eyed will notice that a third of the suggested cumin is unused. We presume it is added at this point of the rice is bland.

March 2024 - Greenland - Suaasat, - Aland Islands - Rice Pancake Pudding, - Antarctica - Sledging Biscuit

Greenland - Suaasat - Meat and Barley Stew


 1 Kg meat (elk, bison, seal, whale, beef – whatever kind you like)

 1 medium onion, sliced

 1 large potato

 1 medium carrot

 1 small turnip

 1 cup barley (or rice)

 2 cups fresh mushrooms, sliced

 1 cup dried cherries or berries

 Thyme – 2 fresh sprigs (or 1 tsp dried)

 3 Bilberry leaves (use bay leaves if you can’t find Bilberry)

 Salt and pepper to taste


Cut up meat into chunks (we used beef) and put into large pot. Cover with 2 litres of water and bring to a boil. Add sliced onions, bay leaf and thyme. Boil for 1 hour. Add barley and keep adding water as needed as barley soaks up the water. Cut carrot, onion & turnip into chunks. Once the barley is cooked, add the potato, carrot, turnip, mushrooms, dried cherries, salt and pepper. Continue cooking until vegetables are cooked. Most of the water will be absorbed into the veggies and meat.

Aland Islands - Rice Pancake Pudding


 600 g pudding rice or flaked pudding rice or semolina

 200 ml milk

 300 g sugar

 1/2 tsp salt

 1 small egg


 Cardamon, if desired


Heat milk and rice to simmer point, add sugar, salt and egg. If desired, add cardamon. Grease an oven dish with melted butter and pour in the mixture. Pour melted butter over the top. Bake in medium oven 30 - 45 minutes.

Serve with whipped cream (or crème fraiche) and plum jam.

Antarctica - Sledging Biscuit


 1 ¼ cup flour

 2 tbsp butter

 ½ tsp baking soda

 ½ tsp salt

 4 tbsp water


With a fork, mix flour, salt and baking soda. Mix well. Next add the butter and mix until it forms a crumb texture. Add water in small amounts until a dry ball of dough forms. Roll out dough on a well- floured surface until it is ¼ inch thick. Cut the dough into 3 inch squares. Place squares gently on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Prick each square in 3 vertical rows with a fork to prevent air bubbles from forming while baking.Place in oven preheated to 374 degrees f for 20 minutes. There will only be a minimum browning of the surface. Baking longer will only make the biscuits more brittle.

Note: Searching for the history of the cuisine of Antarctica it was found that Antarctica has no native peoples so does not have a native or national dish. Research found Sledging Biscuit were used by the first explorers up to modern times. We, therefore, felt this to be the only dish common to everyone and, as one of the first things cooked there, could be considered a national dish.

February 2024 - Falafel - Middle East

Falafel (Ta’meya)




500g Split fava beans (soaked overnight)

1 medium onion


1 cup of chopped parsley


1/2 cup of chopped dill


1/2 cup of chopped coriander


1 cup of green onions sliced


Place all the above ingredients in a food processor or mincer and process until smooth and light green. Add salt and then a teaspoon each of: Cumin, Ground coriander, Chili powder, Baking Soda.


Mix and deep fry into balls or patties until golden brown. Sesame seeds for topping while still warm. PS. Add a little flour or soft breadcrumbs if your mixture is too runny.


Note: Falafel is made all over the Middle East. Some recipes use chickpeas not fava beans. The use of chickpeas is predominant in most Middle Eastern countries, including Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine. Chickpeas are usually the main ingredient in Falafel cooked in the West. When chickpeas are used, they are not cooked prior to use (cooking the chickpeas will cause the falafel to fall apart, requiring adding some flour to use as a binder), instead they are soaked (sometimes with baking soda) overnight, then ground together with various ingredients such as parsley, spring onions and garlic. When not served alone, falafel is often served with flat or unleavened bread. Tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and pickles can be added. Falafel is often served with Tahini.


In National Dishes of the World Shahid Khan gives Falafel as the National Dish of Comoros. That version uses the following ingredients 350g chickpeas (soaked overnight) 2 tsp coriander seeds and 2 tsp cumin seeds ground together in a pestle, 2 onions finely chopped and 2 green chilies, de-seeded and finely chopped, and 2 handfuls of finely chopped coriander and parsley leaves (not stems).

January 2024 - USA - Black Beans and Rice - Belize - Rice and Beans

Black Beans and Rice


5 minced garlic cloves or 1.4 cup

¼ cup minced onion

2 T. margarine

2 15oz. cans Black Beans

Black pepper

6 servings of rice


Melt the margarine in 2 quart saucepan. Sauté garlic and onion on medium heat. Add black beans and about 5 shakes of black pepper. Bring to the boil then reduce heat to low, cover pot with lid and simmer for about one hour.

Cook 6 servings of rice.

Serve beans over rice and save leftovers in a tightly covered container. It is even better the second day. May reheat in microwave for 1 minute per serving.

Rice and Beans


1 lb dry kidney beans

3 cups rice

5 cloves garlic

1 large onion, minced

1 large green pepper, seeded & diced

1.5 cups celery, chopped

1 bay leaf

1 Tbsp parsley, minced

2 cans coconut milk (400 ml each)

4 Tbsp coconut oil

Salt & Pepper



Soak the beans overnight in water and cover. Drain beans and place them in a large pot. Add enough water to cover the beans. Add 4 of the whole cloves of garlic to the pot of beans. Place the pot on the stove and bring to a boil. Cook the beans for about one hour or until soft. Crush the remaining garlic clove. In a separate pan, add the crushed garlic, onions, celery, bay leaf and green pepper. Sauté mixture in a tablespoon of coconut oil, then add this to the pot of beans. Add the chopped parsley to the beans, then season with salt and black pepper to taste – more pepper if you like it spicy. Rinse and drain the rice, then add to the pot of beans. Add the 2 cans of coconut milk and the remaining coconut oil. Stir well, adjust the salt & pepper and cover the pot with a lid. Cook over medium low heat for 45 minutes or until the rice is tender.

Serve the Beans and Rice with any choice of meat or seafood, along with fried plantains and potato salad. So tasty! Great dish to make for a crowd.

December 2023 - Croatia - Fritule

Heavenly soft Croatian delicacies, smell like Christmas, but so simple you can make them every day .

 Ingredients (for 5 persons)

For dough:

4 dcl of yogurt

2 eggs

2 packs of vanilla sugar

a bit of salt

2 teaspoons of sugar

20 tablespoons of smooth flour

1 pack of baking powder

1 tablespoon of brandy

You will also need:

frying oil, powdered sugar

Optional: orange and lemon zest, raisins, grated apple... (you can be creative).


Mix all the ingredients for dough to get a smooth mixture (although it will still be sticky). If the mixture is too liquid (like for the pancakes), add a little bit more flour.

Put the generous amount of oil in the frying pan and preheat it – but don’t overheat. Take a little bit of dough with a tablespoon and put it in hot oil – this is your first

fritula! Continue with the rest of the dough. Try to make little oval shapes. Don’t put too many fritule in the pan at the same time. Each fritula needs just a few moments, so you can do it gradually. If they have enough place, they will turn around on their own, getting the nice gold color on both sides. When the fritula looks ready, take it out and put it on the piece of kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil. Cover them with powdered sugar.

Serve warm! They are also tasty the next day, but they mostly don’t survive that long!

November 2023 - France - Ile Flottante


For the English cream. 35 cl of milk ,1 vanilla bean, 4 egg yolks, 50 g of sugar.

For snow white. 4 egg whites, 50 g of sugar 

For the caramel. 130 g of sugar, a few drops of lemon. 5 cl of water.


1. Put the milk in a saucepan. Cut the vanilla bean in half, scrape to recover the seeds, put in the milk, with the pod. To make heat with soft fire. Remove the pod.

2. In the meantime, separate the egg yolks from the whites, set aside the whites for later, whisk the yolks with the sugar, then pour the milk over them. Gently mix in the yolks and sugar while whipping.

3. Put back in the saucepan, then cook gently, while turning with a spoon, until the cream coats the back of the spoon.

4. Empty into a salad bowl and let cool.

5. Put the egg whites in the bowl of the robot (mixer), fitted with the whisk, whisk until they start to rise, then add the sugar slowly, whip until they form a bird's beak.

6. Make the caramel, put the sugar and the lemon drops in a saucepan. Let cook until an amber color, as soon as the caramel is ready, pour the water, stir.

7. Make snow white dumplings in a microwave-safe dish, Cook for 30 to 50 seconds.

8. Pour the English cream in cups. Deposit delicately a white snow in the center. Pour caramel on the whites. Put in the cold until the moment of eating.

This is what your dish should look like.